Everything about this movie is inspiritational, an absolute visual treat and definetelty one of the BEST war movies i have seen to date. Right from the war crys, to the witty one liners used in the most intense of scenes, to the costumes worn by the armies, is brilliant..!! 300 just gave war movies a complete make-over and made all the other war movies made to date, look like thrash..
The plot of the movie, is simple. The Persians want to take over Greece, and as per the rules of Greece a war cannot happen, because the elders are against it.
But Leonidas, is not ready to see his country burning and to see the women and children of his kingdom, become slaves to Persians. So they march forward and annihilate men, beasts, animals and immortals who cross their path. They die in the process, but every little bit of blood spilt, does not go to waste.
Greece wakes up and 10,000 soldiers go to war to avenge the death of their King and his 300. As the legend goes, Spartans are the descendants of Hercules himself and they sure did live upto that legend, by standing tall to a rain of zillion arrows thrown their way.
Hail King Leonidas and hail his 300..! *bows down in respect*