Monday, October 14, 2024

The Rains

The rains, heavy and hard,
Similar to your feelings, cut up and charred,

The fat raindrops,
Remind you to wipe away your teardrops,

The invisible ones,
That you hold back for the world, but slips out in front of loved ones,

This gloomy weather,
Makes you realise you can storm any weather,

But there's a world of pain,
Similar to this heavy rain,

It will stop, both the rain,
And the pain,

The water always dries up,
There's always a reason to look up,

Chin up, stare at the skies,
Admire the clouds, misty and high,

Rains are only temporary,
The sun will soon be out, to dry away all your worries.

Friday, October 11, 2024


The world is not a place you understand anymore,
People come, only to go,

Everything is temporary,
Less than ordinary,

Expect nothing,
Expectations only bring,

Disappointment and heartburn,
But I suppose this is how you learn,

About the ways of this empty world,
And it's empty people, count your blessings for you belong to a different world,

One where you've seen peace and love,
Anything less you must push away and shove,

It's not for you,
This world and it's empty people, it's not for you.

Monday, October 07, 2024

The Void

There is a void,
People want to avoid,

Getting in touch with their emotions,
They just want to go through the motions,

Without feeling or thought,
It's a nightmare to be caught,

In a situation void of love,
Just disallow,

And step back,
If you feel taken aback,

That's not you,
Never will be, you understand what the other person wants through and through,

Cut off, walk away,
It's alright if your mind feels disarray,

You want the once in a lifetime stuff,
Finding that today is tough,

But find it, you will,
Slowly and steadily, if you have the will.

Sunday, October 06, 2024


You know that moment, when you're soul is tired,
Yet you're wired,

To step out there,
And portray to the world, that there's no wear and tear,

There's always chilli chicken,
Fat free icecream and Riaan, to make you feel brazen,

So you plough along,
With your tired soul and play along,

To the madness of the world,
While all you want to do is lock yourself up in a room and be unheard,

But this mouth of mine,
Makes people feel they're not on cloud nine,

Blunt, loud,
Politically incorrect and uncouth,

Unfortunately, this is me,
I'm caged yet free,

Please note, it's a Monday,
And I'm wishing it's a Sunday,

All my demons are out to play,
I'm not going to stop their play. 

Saturday, October 05, 2024


Riaan no longer remembers you,
He swiped across a photo of you,

And asked who you were, 
My mind went into a blur,

I decided to let it slip,
As he continued to flip,

Across the photographs on my phone,
He looked at pictures and videos of his own,

Chuckling and giggling,
Calling himself cute, as he continued wriggling,

Next to me on bed,
I kissed him on his head,

With a sadness in my chest,
Your son has finally laid you to rest,

It's almost like you never existed for him,
He's pampered beyond recognition, all his whims,

His life is filled,

With love and play,
His mind, a mouldable clay,

Forgetting you, 
Was perhaps his way of healing himself of you,

He's alright, our boy,
More mine now, than yours, he has a strong voice,

Opinionated and stubborn,
There are moments he gives me heartburn,

But he is alright, our boy,
Correction, my boy. 

Wednesday, October 02, 2024


This woman gets me,
The gruesome, deep, dark, unhappy me,

I would've married her,
And had all her,

Three babies,
Riaan, Agasthya and Adithi, but our relationship is not a maybe,

There's love, 
There's a desire to plough,

Through every challenge,
Together we try and punch,

Each other's problems out,
We root for each other and shout,

My sister from another mother,
There's no bother,

That your sense of humor,
Doesn't pluck out and burn, like a nasty tumour,

You sort out my personal and professional life,
Like a loyal wife,

I love you,
My darling boo,

Let's get married in the next life.

My Darling Girl

It was on a Wednesday that I got you, 
Twenty two years in the making and I finally have you,

I'll limp for a week,
My right leg seems weak,

This burning on my skin,
Makes my heart spin,

Welcome home my darling girl,
You're a pearl,

On my skin,
We'll soon be twins,

Correction, two bodies with one soul,
I look to you to heal all the gaping holes,

In my life,
With love, luck, peace and a renewed zest for life,

I know you can do it,
Sort out everything, bit by bit,

With your Pixie dust,
Compassion and trust,

My little fairy on skin,
Let's get out into the world, conquer and grin. 

Tuesday, October 01, 2024

Morning Air

The crispness of the morning air,
Ruffles through your hair,

Church bells ring,
M.S Subbulakshmi sings,

The mosque prayers on the loud speakers,
Finally wakes up all the sleepers,

I'm awake, 
Wide awake,

The crisp air,
Is perfect for the skin and hair,

I'm tempted to step out for a walk,
Around my building block,

As the night gives way to dawn,
I stiffle my yawns,

Big day today,
I'm sure it's going to change my life in every way.