Why the hell are we promoting stupid cricket, (which by the way was a game brought by our Ex rulers, the Brits, its NOT even our game for Christ's sake) when we actually should be promoting and supporting our national sport - Hockey.
Number 2 : I'm a stupid fool. I'm wasting away my life orkutting, blogging, gymming, going to college, watching 3 movies a day and lots of other arbit random crap, while i really should be doing something. I'm 20, with an able body, a strong will (and i look decent, but that doesn't really matter) and a determination that can get me whatever i want, no matter what pains i have to go through to get it.
I'm really pumped up right now. The movie high is so high, i cant control it. My thoughts are going overboard. Every human being alive irrespective of age, sex, gender,castes, whatever whatever have to, HAVE TO watch this movie.
Something has snapped so hard inside me, i cant explain it, but i want to do something, i have dreams, i want to get them before someone else does.
There is a purpose of my existence on this planet and i WILL NOT stop until i find out what that purpose is and i will not let anything get in my way. So help me God and help me Mr. Universe, I'm a woman on a mission.
wow... i am gonna start playing tennis from today...
chak de so reminds me of school and college...but yea...it's not easy to rise in the atheletic ranks in india...no proper training and no money leave the field rather desolate...the game that gets any money is men's cricket and perhaps now, tennis...
I havent seen the movie, but I remember feeling this way after I saw Rang De Basanti!! Must have been a super duper movie if its gotten you rummaging your abstract insides and wanting to give a form to your purpose! I found my purpose when I was 24, it had been with me since I was abut 7 or so, but dawned on me in the blink of an moment! My best wishes for you finding yours :))
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