The relationship between the two is portrayed perfectly, its not overdone, its not under-done. It's real. Absolutely anyone who has ever had a crush on a person, at a point of time and then drifted apart from that person, became friends with that person and ultimately said bye to that person and made peace with the whole thing, can relate to this movie.
It has a happy ending of course, because its a movie after all, what do you expect? Good soundtrack, Ashton Kutcher was his usual cute self and Amanda Peet (who is she again?) did a fairly decent job.
A must watch flick on a boring Saturday afternoon with a belly full of Mooli Parathas. *burps*
mooli parathas.. i am hungry now.
A typical happy ending bubble gum romance!
Hi..//A must watch flick on a boring Saturday afternoon with a belly full of Mooli Parathas. *burps//
What a way to conclude..could mooli Parathas be substituted with say ,Kurkures !!
Wish You A happy New year
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