It's been a while since I've visited this place and typed a few words. I've forgotten how to write just for the fun of it. For most people making a living out of their passion must be a dream come true. For me though, what started out as a dream became a living nightmare. Being a professional features writer/reporter, with an extremely lazy editor who barely appreciates having you around is far from a dream.
This post is an attempt to re-spark my love of writing again, without deadlines hanging like dead weight on my shoulders.
I'm back home in Chennai after three months of living alone in Bombay. I've learnt a lot in these three months - I've learnt that working with a sadass excuse of a magazine is a waste of time, finishing your studies always comes first; pay packets and companies will follow suit, firms are selfish and think only of themselves, some people are just opportunists who simply use you, without batting an eyelid, for cleaning up their mess and when that is done, they pretend like they don't know you anymore.
The experience has changed me. For 21 years, I was in a safe cocoon called home. Stepping out into the real world and seeing with my own two eyes that it's not a nice place for our children to grow up, is not a very comforting feeling.
Tales of gloom aside, I've also had the time of my life, in these three months. I've met some interesting people, I've fallen in love with the mad city Bombay is and I'm definitely going back for more.
nice to see this page active again.. and yeah - the first fw montsh at work are almost always a big eye opening towards the corporate world and the world outside...
Hey welcome back! Back to Chennai and your blog.
Corporate world can be tough, but you learn to adapt yourself, but the trick is to not loose your core values which can get lost in the muck.
Glad you like Bombay, I found it a little too fast for me.
All the best for your future endeavours and btw Chriz is nearly done with his book I heard, when you writing yours?
Welcome back.. N hopefully what didnt kill you will have made you stronger.. Lookin forward to the next post..
Hope coming days will treat you well. Yes the life outside of home each us many things that we can never learn in safe cocoon. All the best. Blog regularly
Welcome back to Chennai & blog..Life goes on & you would have learnt a lot ,though just three months...Beautiful things will unfold as life moves ahead,after all celebrating life should be our passion & job is just a part of it..
Good Luck
kudos girl..
lessons learnt ...
all for good..
cheers for the future...
i rememeber seeing ur blog some years back...
u r nithin chettan's friend rite?
guess we met at IIT chennai 2 years back..
happened to drop in here on a blog hopping spree...
good to know that u've become a professional writer
I was in Bombay for about 10 days. It took me just one to fall in love with the city. And by the time I boarded the flight back, I couldn't wait to get back to Madras. A couple of hours here and I was already missing the madness.
Bombay does weird things. It's not the same to everyone. And yet, the collective feeling towards the city by immigrants are somewhat similar.
Btw, I personally believe that we suck at what we love the most when we do it for a living.
Bombay is good when you work like crazy...and trust me, all the bosses are the same :D
While I could wax poetic about how work should not interfere with life, i hold that back cause it's damning how months whizz by un-noticed.
Hope to see you writing more often!
So hoping to see you more often these days on your blog
Hey i've started a new blog http://anthonydemellosj.blogspot.com/ the content of the blog is from books written by anthony de mello, im uploading them one by one as they are really good and are not available anymore in book shops and people scarcely read these kind of books so it is my attempt to make bring to light anthony's work to the blogshere.
Hey babe thanks for the B'day wishes. May end up going to Chennai (Of all the places.. lol) to pursue a dream career in Music.
Hope ur writing job is going great guns.
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