My words have run dry - i can write no more. Five months, five days and five hours since I've last written something, ANYTHING, i truly believe in.
I spoke to my classmate Sowmya, of three years from my college days for one and half hours yesterday and it felt bloody damn good.
About less than a minute was spend on the "BIG LIFE GOAL" topic, before we moved on to nonsense again - and what lovely nonsense it was. I missed her and all the others who i called my classmates and friends.
I told Sowmya about the friends I miss and how lonely I am. Colleagues at work can never be best friends and life long buddies, because work tensions drive you into becoming work nemesis at some point.
"But don't you have a boyfriend?", she asked. I replied "Yes, *5 minute rant on how we met* but only friends, can fill the void that friends leave behind".
My body and soul are still bursting from the happiness I experienced last night. It doesn't matter who you've become, or if your job sucks or if you cannot do what you love anymore - just pick up that telephone and punch in ANY number of someone who you shared innocent fun memories with and you'll be happy in no time.
I miss you class of 2008 - Bsc Electronic Media. Where did all that time go? Why have we all drifted?
I miss you Vasavi - my best friend.
I miss you Ritu - my wise, gyaan guru friend.
I miss you Pwe bwe - my cute, ever helping friend.
I miss you Vani - my Jungli Janwar friend.
I miss you Megha and Archana - (we can still meet, and we just met two months back, so I miss you a little less, don't take offense please :P)
"Colleagues at work can never be best friends and life long buddies" - Should I believe this? Let me know...
u dnt miss me:(!!!
You should start a lonelygirl23butlike16 channel on youtube.
i love u n miss u too ... i still enjoy reading ur blogs.... n i m still waiting for ur 1st autographed book.
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