Saturday, March 05, 2022

That’s Enough

A slip of the leg,

A sudden bout of cough and cold, despite eating an egg,

Was that you?

Do you want me to be forever blue?

Do you never want me to be at peace?

Why now, knowing fully well, I’m trying my best to put together all the pieces,

Of this conundrum called life,

You dethroned me from being a wife,

All that remains of me is being a mother,

So please don’t smother,

The decisions I take, for my son and me,

Just let us be,

That’s the least you can do,

From my point of view,

You’ve done enough damage,

You took undue advantage,

Of the blind affection the child and I,

Had for you, now you’ve left us both with tears that have gone dry,

The bitterness of your existence,

Along with the distance,

Leaves a bad taste in both our mouths,

I repeat, just let us be, we’re already tired with the bombs of truth,

That we firefight, day in and day out.

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