Thursday, December 30, 2021


Riaan, our little bun,
Whose face shines brighter than the sun,

Half you, half me,
Our precious little third pea,

We waited for five excruciating years,
Walked straight through hellfire and overcame our fears,

God tested us,
And after much fuss,

He finally came into our lives,
We were so overjoyed, we kept giving each other high-fives,

Today, I look at his adamant little face,
And quickly realise, I can never take your place,

But try I must,
For you have thrust,

The biggest challenge of my life,
One that cuts sharper than a knife,

You have wounded his soul and mine,
Still, our lives are entwined,

You belong to us and only us,
My poopie and Riaan's baba, there is still so much left to discuss,

If it weren't for our baby,
I would have joined you maybe,

One tempting cut to the wrist,
With my hands balled into a tight fist,

But I won't, not until he is eighteen,
He is still a bean,

Our darling little bean,
Who has turned just a wee bit mean,

Can't blame him,
For you are missing, you who satisfied his every little whim. 

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