Saturday, September 10, 2022

Nine Months And Six Days

Nine months and four days,
Since we've parted ways,

I'm finally home,
After eight years of directionless roam,

Perhaps "directionless" is a harsh word,
But it's hard to forget the moments you made me feel unheard,

I want to forget you fast,
And blur out all our happy memories, from the past,

Its not impossible,
But everyday, there are constant reminders of you, that don't make this possible,

Sometimes I pray for you to rest in peace,
Other times I pray your soul never finds peace,

I don't want to miss you,
Therefore, I'm tightening up all my heart's screws,

You may have laughed reading my 200 poems on you,
What your reaction may have been, I'll never have a clue.

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