"Looks don't matter at all, it's whats on the inside that counts" - I've heard this sentence a million times over, from friends, from parents, from acquaintances, from random strangers and once upon a time I was a firm believer myself. Until.. this photograph happened.
I stumbled upon a random man's blog and made a few comments on his writing. Curiosity took over me, and on an impulse I decided to search online for the face behind the writing. As luck would have it, he had an Orkut profile. The face I saw beaming back at me made my fingers freeze on the keyboard. He was a Greek God!
I had my apprehensions about him. I was terribly drawn to him, simply because of his looks. Years of experience with various toads who disguise themselves as prince charming, told me, that he would be a schmuck, just like every other guy on the planet.
A day or two passed, I semi-forgot about the Greek God. I wasn't surprised or disappointed that he hadn't reciprocated. And then, the most startling thing happened. He emailed me. He didn't reply to my comments or send me snide remarks, instead he emailed me! My heart did a little flip-flop and I responded back quickly. And thereon started our email conversations, which slowly transcended to online chats which lasted for nearly three hours every day.
It's been a year now, since I've stumbled upon my Greek God. A lot has happened since then. My life has taken a complete U-turn and I count my blessings each day, thanking the forces of technology which made our paths cross. I see a life with him, and very soon my world shall know of us.
Moral of the story : Looks do count, never listen to what the crowd says because the crowd is a perennially confused frustrated bunch.
lol.. g'luck convincing the crowd..
All the best with Greeky ! :) Love your blog, and hope to be able to write like you someday
Congrats..strange it does sound but this is the way many beautiful acts of Destiny do happen..
All the best :)
Dont know what it takes for you keep blogging. Weekly blogs have become quartely blogs.
wow.. good stuff.. glad you stayed with going with your instincts... one step at a time and you'l get there..
Congrats! was waiting for this post for some time after seeing the pics in orkut...
haha... been ages and there you go again with this news... we were supposed to meet :)
remember vividly
all the best when you open the subject with your folks
you rock girl!! a sure go-getter.. all the best with your greek-god.. you are no less than a goddess yourself.. hehehe all the best!
Very well written...Its not all mushy kushy corny boo..all the very best with ur greek god! ;)
mojo-jojo man..WHERE the HECK are you?!! X-( !!
LOL Love the moral bit :)
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