Sunday, September 24, 2017

The Euphoria of Exercising

Horrendous day at work? Husband giving you hell, over that undercooked piece of Tandoori Chicken? Feeling fat? Feeling low? Whatever be your problem, exercise, exercise and more exercise is the only solution. There's an undeniable spring in your step and sea change in your personality, the minute you're done with a satisfactory one hour of exercise

For me, exercise is like meditation. I go to my happy place and allow myself to have long conversations with my soul. Excuse the cliche, but I'm 100% serious. I strongly believe that the saying, "there are some things money can't buy" was written for exercise. Nothing else in the world can give you that undiluted feeling of peace, than a good one hour of sweaty calorie burning activity. 

People who exercise are the happiest people in the world, because they can eat like a pig, guilt free. That extra slice of pizza or gooey cheesecake won't hurt you because *cue drumroll* exercise! 

My sleep-loving, late-rising husband is often perplexed with my annoyingly-chirpy, schizophrenic behaviour, post my one hour session in the pool/gym/park. "It's not me, it's the adrenaline rush" I say to him, while he stares at me blankly, with a sleepy 'one eye open' daze.

The time of day you choose to exercise, is of paramount importance. Mornings are best. However, if you choose to go in the evening, be prepared to stay up all night, to keep the night-owls company. That same "happy high" feeling will make you, your night watchman's key contender (and most likely you will win). 

Exercise, it won't let you down, it won't break up with you, it won't make you feel bad, it won't emotionally blackmail you. Most importantly, it definetely, won't give you grief over that under-cooked piece of Tandoori Chicken. So run, jump, swim, gym, dance. Get up, get moving! No excuses! 

(Image Source : 

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