Tuesday, February 01, 2022


Riaan, my reason to live,

The fuel to my drive,

If it weren’t for his little eyes and face,

That blinked cluelessly, at your motionless body, like it was from outer space,

I would have joined you,

In a heartbeat, for it felt like the right thing to do,

I felt the Earth splitting open under my feet,

When I saw you wrapped under that white hospital sheet,

Why didn’t God take me,

Couldn’t he see,

That all my breaths, were linked to yours,

We fought so many battles together, but lost this nasty war,

Against God,

Your green office shirt had been clawed,

And roughly unbuttoned, 

CPR marks had cut,

Your gorgeous bare-chest,

The same chest, that was my life therapist,

You had to be awkwardly folded up and carried, by a number of people through our apartment lift,

I still wished,

That it was me, instead of you,

I didn’t like seeing your beautiful face, covered by a hospital sheet, I still didn’t have a clue,

Why or what was happening to us,

I was forced to fuss,

Over the bed sheet, that had to be placed under you,

And one over you,

What a horrible night! The next day was worse,

The urge to traverse,

To you, was still strong,

All my breaths, felt out of place and wrong,

I made Riaan touch your face, feet and tummy, one last time,

Before you were made to climb,

In an airy crematorium van,

Nothing was going as per our plan,

You said you’d love me, until one of us dies,

Did you see me swatting flies,

Off your face,

As all your acquaintances paced,

Around you and me,

Watching our happy family of three,

Being rubbed with ghee and then going up in flames,

I was still hoping all this was a bad game,

Of Monopoly or Uno, gone wrong,

How can I belong,

To this world,

When you’ve gone to the afterworld,

I am coming,

As soon as I witness Riaan becoming,

A responsible father and husband,

I want him to get accustomed,

To leading a well balanced life,

He will exercise, work, study, play and marry a beautiful wife,

One who understands his heart,

Together, they will chart,

Their journey of life,

Without interference and unnecessary strife,

From external factors,

We had too many of those venoms in our life, excellent posers and actors,

Who feigned fake concern,

While in reality, all they wanted was for you to churn,

Money and more money,

Just so that their lives could turn, into pure honey,

I can’t stand those people anymore,

Talking to them, even for ten seconds, is a chore,

I am coming,

And this time, you will take over the plumbing,

Along with all the other household chores,

This time, we won’t have to fight battles or win wars,

I will forever be yours,

And you will be mine, for all the unending years,

We will experience together, in our beautiful afterlife.

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