Friday, February 02, 2024


Grief is like a boulder lodged inside your chest,

It doesn't let you rest,

Sleep is a forgotten friend,

The nights just don't seem to end,

You find yourself walking around in the dark corners of the house,

Hoping to speak to your dead spouse,

Or whoever close to you just departed,

Death is a finality, something that truly rips you apart,

You find yourself walking like the living dead,

And living inside your head,

Unable to truly snap out of that trauma,

Everything you speak sounds like drama,

But one day, you get out of bed,

And you realise, every last teardrop has been shed,

The pain never dries up,

But you rise up,

And decide to go back into the world of the living,

You soon begin forgiving,

Your dead spouse and God,

And decide to give life a nod,

You're different, a little more fearless,

Far from cheerless,

You've fixed the broken pieces,

And decided to do exactly what the heart pleases.

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