Once upon a time in the world of net-dom, there lived a girl. She loved blogs and blogging, more than anything else in the world. So, one day she stumbled on the blog of a very interesting man. She read one of his posts, left a comment and went her way.
Life was mundane, with the routines of gymming, sleeping, reading, eating, watching four movies a day etc. College could have been tossed to the list, but she had passed out and was on her study break. She was just swallowing in the fact that this is IT, the decisions she makes henceforth will define the person she is. She is going through a 'i hate growing up', 'i don't want to leave college' phase.
So, the timing could not have been better, when the random interesting man, commented back on roughly around 20 posts of hers. She was floored, to say the very least.
The random interesting man added her on Orkut, and soon an easy friendship was formed. His scraps made her day and she couldn't wait for the next day and the next and the next , just for scrapping back and forth with him.
Now, remember the old adage, familiarity breeds contempt. This story epitomizes THAT adage to the T.
As the hours flew by, she still looked forward to hearing from him, but he didn't quite feel the same. Her girly alarms rang violently in her head and hence she decided to cut him off.
It was one of the hardest decisions that the girl had to make in the recent past, considering she is a very blah blah, i love people person. But she realized, from the wounds of her past and from all the knowledge she gathered through similar situations, that she is bound to get hurt anyway. Therefore, instead of giving the man a chance at it, she decided to take a painful step back and give Serendipity a chance to do its thing.
Thus children, at this moment we have an incomplete, sad love/hate story in our hands. But that is the game of life, we have to play it. And play it well!
Bollywood movie without songs? atleast 400 dancers on the background wearing hideous costumes?? No???? Okaiee...
Any takers????
i know i know...
Once bitten
forever shy?
Quite not possible.
Before you know,
you would be ready for another one.
Else, how would you find your NY152 :)
Nice story! You have a good head on your shoulders.
Very interesting read ;) :P .. So howz the Serendipity cmin along ?
welcome to life, it sucks!! ..i'd know exactly hw tht story went..
well, fresh out of the same episode. in my case, itz me who took the plunge to pull the plug. let me too wait for serendipity to play the role...
is it a true story!?
or made up ;)?
sheesh, i have a similar story.. with a happy journey.
journey..cause tis still goin on.. cant even seemta see the end of it! :D
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