Saturday, October 22, 2022

Happy Birthday Daddy!

Happy Birthday to the world's best dad,
You hate seeing me or anyone else sad,

We are exactly alike,
Our personality, our likes and our counterstrikes,

We can both talk a mile a minute,
But I hate to break it to you daddykins, no one finds our yapping cute,

Except maybe my son,
And your grandson,

Who can beat us both hollow, when it comes to nattering,
I'm sorry your prim and proper household is such a mess, with toddler toys and endless clattering, 

You've had to step into the role of grandad,
And dad,

All over again,
And let me tell you, you're doing a fabulous job at both, with utter dignity, grace, a little goofiness and zero complaints,

We are lucky to have you,
You've never let go, especially when things got murky, dark, messy and blue. 

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