Wednesday, February 02, 2022

So Much To Do

There’s still so much left to do,

Your Valentine’s Day gift from me is due,

I’ve looked at a couple of options, 

And made a few deductions,

On what you might like to have this year,

It has to be something that will make you grin from ear to ear,

You will flash it on Instagram,

After taking a good shot from your mobile cam,

I remember the very first Valentine’s Day gift you begged me to send you,

So that you could show it off in full view,

To your friends at work,

I’m sure it was met with a smirk,

I always advised you to be discreet and not broadcast our story,

In full glory,

To all and sundry,

But you did, quite bluntly and in every country,

That you visited,

You showed everyone our pictures and the story of how we met,

I learnt from your most recent juniors at work too,

That you always felt blue,

On Monday mornings, away from Riaan and me,

We missed you too, especially your little bee,

He asked about you everyday, from Monday to Friday,

Didn’t help, that every house he visited, had fathers present. Still, I told him that you were on the way,

With a massive Hamley’s toy,

He was never mamma’s boy,

He was always your boy, Baba’s boy,

He was more excited to meet you, than receiving an expensive toy,

The toy was just a bonus,

Your fatherly responsibility towards him, was not an onus,

It was your sacred privilege, 

One that you can never envision,

How in peace and rested can you really be,

Knowing that your little bee,

Pines for you every waking second of every day,

Along with me, your wife, who waited eagerly for you to reach home on Friday,

We still unconditionally love you,

But loving you, makes us feel so void, empty and blue. 

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