Tuesday, January 18, 2022

Middle Class

You tried so hard to run away from this tag,                                                                    

Just so that you could subtly brag,

Behind closed doors,                                                                                                                            

About how, every expensive brand and experience in the world, could be yours,

But why run away from something,                                                                                  

That gave you everything,

Your education, your personality and your goals,                                                            

These solid foundations, were given to you and me, by hardworking souls,

Why belittle their efforts,                                                                                                  

And build an imaginary fort,

Of pretense and false superiority,                                                                                  

You were humble and grounded, for the majority,

But your carefully concealed mask,                                                                                  

I was always able to unmask,

I was never impressed with your hoity-toity ideas,                                                          

I tried my best, to make you understand that money didn’t grow on trees,

The little we made, we must invest,                                                                              

Only then can we rest,

And be ready to take on challenges,                                                                                   

With a cool well balanced mind.

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